Where to watch From the World of John Wick: Ballerina: Release date (United States)

The release date for From the World of John Wick: Ballerina on streaming services has not been announced yet. We’ll keep you updated with the release date and streaming information as soon as it is available.

Can I watch From the World of John Wick: Ballerina in theaters?

Theatre tickets for From the World of John Wick: Ballerina will be available from June 6, 2025.


Ana de Armas
Eve Macarro
Norman Reedus
Anjelica Huston
The Director
Gabriel Byrne
The Chancellor
Lance Reddick
Ian McShane
Keanu Reeves
John Wick
Catalina Sandino Moreno
Sharon Duncan-Brewster
David Castañeda
Jung Doo-hong