What to know
Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero is an anime produced by Toei Animation that was released on June 11, 2022. The movie was written Akira Toriyama, the creator of the Dragon Ball series and is a feature-length continuation of Dragon Ball Super, featuring many of the franchise's most iconic characters in an all-new adventure.
The voice cast for Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero features many fan-favorites returning once again to the Dragon Ball franchise. Voicing the trio of Goku, Gohan and Goten is Masako Nazawa. The voice actor behind Piccolo is Toshio Furukawa, with Vegeta played by Ryo Horikawa. Krillin and Yajirobe are played by Mayumi Tanaka. Bulma and Trunks are respectively voiced by Aya Hisakawa and Takeshi Kusao. Gamma 1 is voiced by Hiroshi Kamiya and Gamma 2 is played by Mamoru Miyano.