All Movies and TV Series on Sky Go

Sky Go is one of the top streaming services in the United Kingdom. Featuring 700+ films and 2,600+ TV series, Sky Go’s catalogue is full of top content for all kinds of audience tastes. Using the JustWatch guide, you can easily get an overview of all the movies and TV shows on offer. You can also filter for genre, age rating, IMDb rating, release date, and quality (including 4K). Additionally, JustWatch offers a timeline of new releases, so you’ll never miss it when new episodes, seasons, series, or movies appear on the platform.

What kind of films and TV series can I watch on Sky Go?

Sky Go offers a huge variety of TV series and films, both from international partners like HBO and their own catalogue of original content. Some of the best shows available on Sky Go include the classic British television series Doctor Who, Sherlock, and one of the best crime series of all time, The Wire.

Sky Go also has a great selection of films to choose from on their platform. Some of the best movies on offer include director Christopher Nolan’s Interstellar, classic British comedy Shaun of the Dead, and all of the films in the Saw franchise.

How do I get Sky Go on my computer?

Simply download the Sky Go app through the app store on your Android or iOS device. In order to watch Sky Go on your computer you will also need to have a Sky account and have selected the type of package you wish to use. Once you are signed in on the app, you can easily choose the program you want to watch.

Is it free to watch Sky Go?

If you have a Sky TV subscription, Sky Go is included in the costs. However, the Sky TV subscription has different prices depending on the bundle you choose, and none of their packages are for free.

How many devices can use Sky Go?

Up to six devices can be registered under the same Sky Go account. However, only two of those devices can be streaming content simultaneously.

What devices can I watch Sky Go on in the UK?

Sky Go is compatible with all kinds of devices, including gaming devices like PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series S/X, computers using Windows and Mac, and Apple TV, iOS, and Android devices are also included.