What can I watch on Hoopla?
Hoopla is a streaming service with a media library of more than 9,500+ movies and over 1,300+ TV shows. You can use JustWatch to browse through every title available on the platform, filtering results by movies or TV shows, genre, release date, age rating, IMDb rating and what’s new.
Which movies can I watch on Hoopla?
The streaming service has a huge collection of movies to enjoy, catering to fans of all genres. If you are looking for an action-packed horror, you can watch the Korean zombie flick Train to Busan. Fans of independent and arthouse cinema can enjoy Paul Thomas Anderson’s Punch-Drunk Love alongside titles such as We Need to Talk About Kevin.
Which TV shows can I watch on Hoopla?
TV shows on Hoopla include everything from intergalactic animated comedy Rick and Morty to 1950s-set British drama Call the Midwife. The latter follows the daily trials and tribulations of a group of midwives. Discover TV shows in a whole variety of different genres from crime thrillers to comedy dramas on Hoopla.