All Movies and TV shows on Takflix

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The Living Fire
Alisa in Warland
Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors
Dovecotes of Kyiv
My Thoughts Are Silent
The Eve of Ivan Kupalo
The White Bird Marked with Black
When the Trees Fall
A Prayer for Hetman Mazepa
The Lost Letter
My Fat Arse and I
The Guide
Babylon XX
A Friend of the Deceased
Pif-paf, oy-oy-oy!
The Stone Cross
Zakhar Berkut
King Lear: How We Looked for Love During the War
Brothers. The Final Confession
Hunt for the Cossack's Gold
I Did Not Want to Make a War Film
Kyiv Frescoes
New Jerusalem
Hunger for Truth
Don't Worry, the Doors Will Open
Golden Leggings
No Obvious Signs
The Ukrainians: Battle for Donetsk Airport
Diary of a Bride of Christ
The Diaper Cake
It's a Date