The third film in Sony’s Spider-Man animated series brings the cast and creators back for a final instalment
Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse is an upcoming animated superhero adventure film produced by Sony Pictures. Beyond the Spider-Verse is the third instalment in the trilogy series, and sees Bob Persichetti join previous co-director Justin K Thompson in helming the film. Writing duo Phil Lord and Christopher Miller return to pen the screenplay alongside Dave Callaham, while Daniel Pemberton returns to compose the film’s score.
Shameik Moore returns to voice Miles Morales (Spider-Man), and is joined by Hailee Steinfeld as Spider-Gwen. Returning cast members include Jake Johnson (New Girl) as Peter Parker, Karan Soni as Spider-Man India, Daniel Kaluuya as Spider-Punk, Nicolas Cage as Spider-Man Noir, John Mulaney as Spider-Ham, and Kimiko Glenn as Peni Parker. Oscar Isaac also returns as the oppositional Spider-Man 2099 and Issa Rae as Spider-Woman. Mahershala Ali reprises his role as Miles’ Earth 42 uncle, Aaron Davis, and Jason Schwarzman returns as the villain the Spot.