Andrew Lincoln and Danai Gurira return for a new The Walking Dead spinoff
The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live is a post-apocalyptic drama television series set within the The Walking Dead franchise. The show is a sequel to the original show, The Walking Dead, and is set directly after it. The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live is created by Scott M. Gimple, who was the showrunner on the original show from Season 4 to Season 8. He is joined by co-creator Danai Gurira who also stars and executive produces. She is known for playing the role of Michonne Hawthorne in The Walking Dead. The show is produced by AMC Studios for the AMC network.
Andrew Lincoln stars in The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live in the role of Rick Grimes. He is joined by Pollyanna McIntosh in the role of Jadis Stokes/Anne. Danai Gurira reprises her role as Michonne while Lesley Anne Brandt stars as Pearl Thorne. Terry O’Quinn plays Major General Beale and Matthew August Jeffers stars as Nat. The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live premiered on AMC on February 25, 2024.