What to know
Tales of the Walking Dead is a post-apocalyptical drama series created by Scott M. Dimple and produced by AMC. This series is a spin-off of the global hit TV series, The Walking Dead and stars Anthony Edwards, Parker Posey, Terry Crews, Poppy Liu, and Daniella Pineda. Anthony Edwards is known for his roles in Top Gun, where he played Goose. Parker Posey has been working as an actress since 1993, when she completed her first film, Coneheads.
Tales of the Walking Dead is based on a comic book by Robert Kirkman and Tony Moore, The Walking Dead. The comic first appeared in 2003 and ran for 193 issues until it unexpectedly ended in 2019. The story follows Rick Grimes, a sheriff's deputy, who wakes up from a coma and learns that the world is full of zombies known as "walkers" and he must now seek safety for himself and his family. The series was released to stream on AMC+ on August 14, 2022.