Will Ferrell leads the pack in this Miller and Lord-produced comedy
Strays is an adult animated comedy movie. The film is directed by Josh Greenbaum, a documentary filmmaker known for the feature documentary The Short Game. The film is written by American television show writer Dan Perrault, the co-creator of American Vandal. Strays is produced by Christopher Miller and Phil Lord, Louis Leterrier, and Erik Feig. Miller and Lord are known as the filmmaking duo behind The Lego Movie, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, and 21 Jump Street.
The movie features Will Ferrell as the voice of the abandoned dog Reggie. Ferrell is an actor, comedian, and producer known for being one of the most famous comic actors in Hollywood. Jamie Foxx plays one of the other stray dogs. Foxx is a multi-talented and award-winning musician, comedian, and actor. His most famous performance was as Ray in the 2004 biopic of Ray Charles. The wider cast includes Will Forte, Isla Fisher, and Randall Park. Strays was released in cinemas on August 18th, 2023.