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Global Press Page

Founded in 2014, JustWatch is now the world's largest streaming guide. We operate in over 140 countries worldwide to help our 45+ million users find where to watch movies, TV shows, and sports legally online every day. As international digital media experts, we leverage our data to discover the latest trends and insights into the video streaming industry. JustWatch has its headquarters in Berlin, as well as offices in New York, Munich, Dubai, Paris, and London, where it employs over 200 people.

In this global press page you can access the latest market shares for SVOD and AVOD streaming, see today’s top 10 movies and TV shows with JustWatch's Streaming Charts, browse recent articles and get in touch through our contact form.

Market Shares

JustWatch's market shares show the latest developments in SVOD and AVOD streaming markets. The chart below shows market shares for the United States while data for other countries is available upon request.

Our market shares are calculated based on user interest in our website and mobile apps. User interest is measured by adding movies or TV shows to their watchlist, clicking out to a streaming service or filtering multiple streaming services, and selecting the relevant streaming service.

Streaming Charts

Discover today's most popular titles across all major streaming services with the JustWatch Streaming Charts. Below you can find the top 10 movies and TV shows, or visit our landing page to view daily, weekly and monthly charts for 15 countries and a global ranking.

Streaming Charts
Top 10 Titles
Zero Day
A Thousand Blows
The White Lotus
The Pitt
High Potential

Zero Day is the most popular TV show right now. The top 10 TV shows also includes Reacher, Severance, A Thousand Blows, The White Lotus, Paradise, Yellowjackets, The Pitt, High Potential and Yellowstone.

Our most recent articles

Streaming API

JustWatch offers the world's largest and most accurate database of streaming providers with hundreds of services and over 140 countries. JustWatch also offers built in e-commerce and commission opportunities along with performance analytics and financial reporting.

Our Data Partners

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