What to know
1923 is a Western drama television series created by Taylor Sheridan for Paramount+. The show is a sequel to the series 1883 and a prequel to the original show Yellowstone all of which explore the Dutton family ranch. Art and John Linson return to executive produce this show after both having worked on the previous ones. Corrin Hodgson and Ben Richardson both of whom worked in the cinematography department for Yellowstone returned to the team in 1923 with Richardson directing the first episode. Taylor Sheridan remains the head writer of the series.
This chapter of the Dutton family ranch sees heavyweight acting duo Harrison Ford and Helen Mirren enter the fray. Ford, known for his work in action movies, plays Jacob Dutton, the family patriarch. His ever-present and reliable partner is portrayed by Helen Mirren, a multi-award-winning actress of the highest acclaim. The pair are joined by an expanded cast that includes Timothy Dalton, Brandon Sklenar, Marley Shelton, and Darren Mann. 1923 was released on Paramount+ on 18th December 2022.