Gen V is a black comedy, teen drama, and superhero television show. It is part of The Boys franchise and acts as a spin-off to the main series. Gen V is based on the same source material as The Boys, the comic book of the same name which was produced by Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson. Michele Fazekas and Tara Butters are new to the franchise and take up the role of showrunners and executive producers. They are working alongside Craig Rosenberg, who writes and produces the R-rated spin-off show. Gen V keeps continuity with the style of The Boys by maintaining Eric Kripke and Seth Rogen as executive producers amongst a host of others.
The cast for this irreverent ride is led by Jaz Sinclair and Lizzie Broadway. Both have a host of television and movie experiences behind them. They star as Marie M. and Emma Shaw, a pair of newly-arrived students at Godolkin University. Sharpening their crimefighting skills, the duo is joined by an ensemble cast that includes Marco Pigossi, London Thor, Maddie Phillips, Chance Perdomo, Sean Patrick Thomas, and Patrick Schwarzenegger. Gen V was released on Amazon Prime on September 29, 2023.