James Cameron's Avatar franchise remains one of the most financially successful film series in cinematic history. This is your guide to the Avatar movie franchise that includes all the information on how and where to watch these incredible action-packed movies!
Starting in 2009 with the ground-breaking movie, Avatar, this franchise has pushed the boundaries of what is possible in filmmaking. The sequel movie Avatar: Way of Water pioneered new technologies in filmmaking and grossed over $2.3 billion at the box office.
With technical genius and innovative director James Cameron behind the franchise, Avatar has grown into one of the most exciting media franchises in the world. This list shows you all the Avatar movies in order. We also provide you with any updated information about the upcoming three Avatar movies whenever they become known, these include Avatar 3/The Seed Bearer (2025), Avatar 4/The Tulkun Rider (2029), and Avatar 5/The Quest for Ewya (2031).
Where to watch all Avatar movies online
While you wait for the release of the next Avatar movies you can revisit the world by streaming the first two Avatar movies right now and watch incredible performances from the likes of Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana, Sigourney Weaver, Kate Winslet, and Stephen Lang. Discover where to stream all Avatar movies in the United States!