Chhota Bheem: Shakti Astra Ki Khoj yayını: İnternet üzerinde nereden izleyebilirsiniz?
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Şu an "Chhota Bheem: Shakti Astra Ki Khoj" adlı yapımı Netflix üzerinden seyredebilirsiniz.
The soldiers of planet Shakti Grah successfully avert the theft of the energy generator, shakti astra by Shrewdus and hide it in Uttarayan Forest till Shrewdus is apprehended; however, a cunning Shrewdus poses as the king of Shakti Grah and approaches Bheem and team seeking their help in locating the shakti astra and retrieving it, but he expresses his inability to accompany them to the forest as the greenery and water both are harmful for the inhabitants of Shakti Grah. Bheem and team agree to help him and retrieve the shakti astra for him after successfully finishing many challenges; however, just before handing it over to Schrewdus, one more challenge stands in front of Bheem as Taurus, the real king of Shakti Grah arrives to claim the shakti astra back. It is now up to Bheem and team to decide who is the real owner of shakti astra and to whom the power source should be handed over as the lives of thousands of inhabitants of Shakti Grah depends on that single decision.
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Chhota Bheem: Shakti Astra Ki Khoj bugün JustWatch günlük streaming sıralamasında 6794 numarada yer alıyor. Film, listede düne göre 21881 basamak yükseldi. Türkiye popüler filmler sıralamasında The Fabulous Baron Munchausen bir alt sırada, Boarding House Blues bir üst sırada yer alıyor.
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