Thuraya - online izleyin: yayın akışını açın, satın alın veya kiralayın
Şu an "Thuraya" adlı yapımı Shahid VIP üzerinden seyredebilirsiniz.
موسم واحد - 45min
Aylık / 114,99₺
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Şu an "Thuraya" adlı yapımı Shahid VIP üzerinden seyredebilirsiniz.
A social drama, about the conditions of Kuwaiti society, through the character (Soraya), who is going through bad psychological conditions; Where she gets married twice more, after having married before them in a traditional marriage, at a young age, she did not understand the circumstances going on around her, and then she gets married to an Egyptian doctor who leaves her after he returns to his wife.