Dupahiya Sezon 1 nerede izlenebilir: (Türkiye) yayın tarihi
Dupahiya Sezon 1 6 Mart 2025 tarihinden itibaren Amazon Prime Video platformunda yayına girecek.
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Dupahiya Sezon 1 6 Mart 2025 tarihinden itibaren Amazon Prime Video platformunda yayına girecek.
Dhadakpur, the Belgium of Bihar, is on the cusp of celebrating 25 years of being crime free. But chaos strikes when a never-seen-before motorbike, that was purchased as a wedding gift gets stolen 7 days before the ceremony! The journey taken by the bride's family and ex-lover to find the Dupahiya forms the heart of this comedy, which explores the hopes and aspirations of simple people.