Un equipo llamado España. El camino hacia la cuarta S1. Sezonu internetten izleyin, kiralayın veya satın alın.
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4 Bölümler - 30min - İspanyolca
Aylık / 39,00₺
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Danimarkalı, Fince, Portekizce, Isveççe, İngilizce, İtalyanca, Japonca, Flemenkçe, Arapça, Katalanca, Almanca, İspanyolca, Fransızca
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Generic 5.1
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Şu an "A Team Called SPAIN: The Road to the Fourth Win - Sezon 1" adlı yapımı Amazon Prime Video üzerinden seyredebilirsiniz.
‘A Team Called Spain’ is the intimate account of a national team that has been the protagonist of one of the most surprising feats in the history of Spanish sport. Through four vibrant episodes, the frenetic pace of the competition and the coexistence of footballers with very different personalities converge in a story that takes your breath away.