Leonardo: The Mystery of the Lost Portrait yayını: İnternet üzerinde nereden izleyebilirsiniz?
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Şu an "Leonardo: The Mystery of the Lost Portrait" adlı yapımı Curiosity Stream üzerinden seyredebilirsiniz.
Leonardo da Vinci is not just the most famous and most admired of all painters - he is an icon, a superstar. Yet, the man himself remains elusive. Accounts during his lifetime describe a man too handsome, too strong, too perfect to be accurate. But in 2009, the chance discovery in the South of Italy of an ancient portrait with strangely familiar features takes the art world by storm. Could this be an unknown self-portrait by Leonardo da Vinci? Controversy erupts among the experts. The implications of such a discovery have far-reaching consequences for our understanding of the work of this great Renaissance master.
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