The sequel to Disney's massive 2016 hit
Zootopia 2 is an upcoming animated film directed by Jared Bush for Walt Disney Pictures. It serves as a direct sequel to 2016's massively successful film Zootopia which was originally co-directed by Byron Howard and Rich Moore. In the titular city where anthropomorphic mammals live amongst each other, a rabbit police officer and a red fox con artist form an unlikely partnership. Together, they unravel a criminal conspiracy related to the disappearance of predators.
How successful was Zootopia?
The initial Zootopia entry grossed over $1 billion at the worldwide box office, ultimately making it the fourth highest-grossing film of that year following Finding Dory, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story and Captain America: Civil War. It went on to win the Oscar for Best Animated Feature in 2017.
Who worked behind-the-scenes of Zootopia 2?
Jared Bush was one of the screenwriters on the first Zootopia installment along with Phil Johnston. He previously wrote the screenplay for 2016's Moana and additionally wrote and co-directed (with Howard) Encanto in 2021 which won the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature.
Who is in the voice cast of Zootopia 2?
Ginnifer Goodwin voices the lead character of Judy Hopps in Zootopia 2. She is best known for her role in ABC's Once Upon a Time and the black comedy series Why Women Kill. Jason Bateman joins her as the voice of the wily Nick Wilde. He is best known for playing Michael Bluth in the comedy series Arrested Development along with starring in Netflix's crime-drama series Ozark. Ke Huy Quan, who won an Oscar for Everything Everywhere All at Once, voices a snake named Gary. Shakira returns to her role as Gazelle.
Is Zootopia 2 coming out soon?
Zootopia 2 is set to release in theatres on November 26, 2025.
Is there a Zootopia series?
A spin-off anthology series premiered in 2022 on Disney+ titled Zootopia+ which featured several cast members reprising their roles from the film including Bonnie Hunt, Idris Elba and Shakira.