What's new on fuboTV?
fuboTV has over 1000+ movies, 1800+ TV shows and an incredible array of live sports including NFL, NBA, and MLB games. You can use the guide to see which films and TV shows are new on fuboTV right now, organized by release date.
Use the JustWatch filter to narrow your search and discover new titles. Choose by your favorite genre or use the release year filter to discover films from different eras, and apply the IMDb rating filter to organize your search to find highly rated new titles.
Latest movies and TV shows on fuboTV
You’ll find all kinds of films on fuboTV, from action thrillers starring major Hollywood actors to powerful documentaries. Discover comedies, crime dramas, classics, and kid’s movies on the service now. The service regularly adds exciting new TV shows and new movies to its offering. Discover a great range of TV shows to stream including live sports analysis, news networks, reality TV, game shows, and more. The streaming service also includes a selection of the best sitcoms, brooding dramas, and kid-friendly cartoons.
You can use fuboTV as a standalone app within your Amazon Prime Video or Apple TV subscriptions. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, you can add more channels to your existing package for a wider selection.