Tamirat Tadilat S12. Sezonu internetten izleyin, kiralayın veya satın alın.
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20 Bölümler - 44min
Aylık / 199,90₺
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For more than a decade, Mike Brewer and Edd China have found, fixed, flipped, tested and traded over 100 cars on the international market. This season, Car legends Mike Brewer and Edd China are taking the biggest risk of their car careers. Wheeler Dealers moves their headquarters from London to a scenic shop nestled on the California coast, in the most exciting and competitive car market in the world. From the sunny beaches of California to the coldest edges of Maine, Mike hunts coast-to-coast for the best vehicles to buy, restore, test and sell for a tidy profit. Mike will also travel to the UK, Russia, Italy, Poland and Spain to track down cars in need of serious TLC, before heading back to Edd's workshop.