Chicago Fire S5. Sezonu internetten izleyin, kiralayın veya satın alın.
Şu an "Chicago Fire - Sezon 5" adlı yapımı Amazon Prime Video üzerinden seyredebilirsiniz.
22 Bölümler - 42min - Türkçe, İtalyanca, Portekizce, Rusça, Lehçe, Almanca, İngilizce, İspanyolca, Fransızca
Aylık / 39,00₺
Seslendirme dilleri
Türkçe, İtalyanca, Portekizce, Rusça, Lehçe, Almanca, İngilizce, İspanyolca, Fransızca
Altyazı dilleri
Isveççe, Türkçe, Çince, Almanca, İngilizce, Macarca, Korece, Rumence, Çekçe, Fince, Fransızca, İbranice, Lehçe, Portekizce, Arapça, Danimarkalı, Flemenkçe, İspanyolca, İtalyanca
Ses teknolojisi
Generic 5.1
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Şu an "Chicago Fire - Sezon 5" adlı yapımı Amazon Prime Video üzerinden seyredebilirsiniz.
No job is more stressful, dangerous or exhilarating than those of the Firefighters, Rescue Squad and Paramedics of Chicago Firehouse 51. These are the courageous men and women who forge headfirst into danger when everyone else is running the other way. But the enormous responsibilities of the job also take a personal toll. With big reputations and hefty egos, the pressure to perform and make split-second decisions is bound to put squad members at odds. When a tragedy claims one of their own, there's plenty of guilt and blame to go around. When it's "go-time" though, they put their differences aside and everything on the line for each other. From renowned Emmy-winning producer Dick Wolf.