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Şu an "Semi-Soet" adlı yapımı Netflix üzerinden seyredebilirsiniz.
Jaci van Jaarsveld will do everything in her power to stop the advertising company where she works to be taken over by a ruthless businessman known as 'The Jackal'. Her only hope for a big contract to save their company is a wine estate that markets wines to international markets. Easier said than done, especially if the winegrower requires the person to promote his wine to be in an established relationship. In desperation Jaci decided to hire a model pretending to be her fiance. She took the first attractive man walking through their offices send by the modeling agency. Everything seems to be going smooth with the meeting with the winegrower until he invites Jaci and her fiance to visit the winery for the weekend and to compete against their opposition for the contract. And who is the opposition? Jaci's ex-fiance, Mark Rossouw. Just when Jaci think she’s in full control she realized that her ‘fiance’, JP, is the very 'Jackal' who tried to sink their company.
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