The Wrong Paris nerede izlenebilir: (Türkiye) yayın tarihi
The Wrong Paris 2025 yılında Netflix platformunda yayına girecek. Kesin yayın tarihi henüz belli değil.
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The Wrong Paris 2025 yılında Netflix platformunda yayına girecek. Kesin yayın tarihi henüz belli değil.
Desperate to get to France for a once-in-a-lifetime art opportunity, Dawn talks her way onto a Bachelor-type dating show set in Paris — only to discover the show is actually set in Paris, Texas as part of a ratings stunt by the producers. Now in jeopardy of losing out on her dreams, Dawn must find a way to get kicked off the show, until a real romance begins to blossom with Trey, the show's handsome and charming bachelor.