Ni sisi yayını: İnternet üzerinde nereden izleyebilirsiniz?
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Şu an "Ni sisi" adlı yapımı Netflix üzerinden seyredebilirsiniz.
Ni Sisi tells the story of a typical Kenyan village, a harmonious muddle of tribes, intermarriages and extended families, in the context of post-election violence. The characters explore issues of corruption, political bribery, racism and gossip. Friends who have lived and worked together all their lives are consumed by rumors and mistrust. However, horrific consequences are avoided when the community pulls together to avert further violence. The hopeful and empowering message of Ni Sisi is one of personal responsibility; that both individuals and communities have the power to control what happens to them and that racist attitudes and negative stereotypes of other tribes can be overcome. Ni Sisi enables the audience to discuss the 2008 post election violence and understand the futility of violence.