A Proletarian Winter's Tale yayını: İnternet üzerinde nereden izleyebilirsiniz?
"A Proletarian Winter's Tale" adlı yapımı Spamflix üzerinden çevrimiçi olarak kiralayabilirsiniz.
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"A Proletarian Winter's Tale" adlı yapımı Spamflix üzerinden çevrimiçi olarak kiralayabilirsiniz.
Three young Georgians have to clean a castle in Berlin, where a German arms manufacturer's art collection is being set up for an exhibition. Of course, the proletariat isn't welcome at the opening party and they are banished to a servants' room in the attic. Downstairs, however, a splendid buffet attracts them - so why not just ignore the unfair prohibition and cross the line of class society? Didn't the French Revolution start over a piece of cake?