All Movies and tv shows on MUBI

Wondering what can you watch on MUBI? Discover here all the online movies and TV shows that are currently streaming on MUBI.
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In a nutshell about Mubi

Land of My Dreams
The One-Armed Swordsman
The Boxer from Shantung
Heremias: Book One - The Legend of the Lizard Princess
Five Fingers of Death
Le Havre
Scott Walker: 30 Century Man
Soul Kitchen
Night Moves
The Edge of Heaven
In the Basement
Dawson City: Frozen Time
The 8 Diagram Pole Fighter
House on Bare Mountain
All These Sleepless Nights
Queens of the Qing Dynasty
The Nest of the Cuckoo Birds
Buffalo Juggalos
A Zed & Two Noughts
Dream Work
I Am the Beauty of Your Beauty, I Am the Fear of Your Fear
Hot Thrills and Warm Chills
The 36th Chamber of Shaolin
Muriel, or the Time of Return
Nude on the Moon
Horse Money
My Skin, Luminous
An Investigation on the Night That Won't Forget
The Wife Master
Lips of Blood
The Human Surge
Broadway by Light
Chameleon Street
Instructions for a Light and Sound Machine
Le Moulin
Chronicle of a Summer
Blood of My Blood