All Movies and tv shows on MUBI

Wondering what can you watch on MUBI? Discover here all the online movies and TV shows that are currently streaming on MUBI.
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In a nutshell about Mubi

The Burning Hell
Autobiographical Scene Number 6882
Indecent Desires
Dirty Ho
Arabian Nights: Volume 2, The Desolate One
Zivan Makes a Punk Festival
La Paz in Buenos Aires
The Valley Below
Blind Pig Who Wants to Fly
Elegy to the Visitor from the Revolution
White Ant
The Modern Jungle
Parador Húngaro
Cinerama's Russian Adventure
Matt and Mara
Fruits of Passion
House by the River
Mädchen in Uniform
So Long, My Son
Tokyo Sonata
Short Sharp Shock
A Swedish Love Story
Suzhou River
Popeye the Sailor Meets Sindbad the Sailor
Within Our Gates
This Closeness
Forty Shades of Blue
Blackbird Blackbird Blackberry
Evolution of a Filipino Family
The Snails
Time to Love
Yuki's Sun
Clan of the White Lotus
Corpo Celeste
Spring Fever