DreamWorks Animation’s Shrek series first kicked off in 2001 with Shrek, which took home the first-ever Academy Award for Best Animated Feature and spawned three more successful sequels. However, although the film series trailed off in 2010, it remains surprisingly relevant today. In fact, it has experienced multiple resurgences in recent years due to viral Shrek memes and audiences seeking it out for nostalgia. The highly anticipated fifth entry into the franchise, Shrek 5, is set to be released in theaters in 2026 - sixteen years since its last official installment.
If you’ve seen the memes and wondered what the big deal about Shrek was, this guide will help you discover how to delve into the series and where to watch all the Shrek movies and spinoffs online.
Shrek was a surprise hit when it first premiered. The project initially may have been met with skepticism, considering it was a far departure from the average fairy tale in that it starred a somewhat antagonistic ogre as the main character. Every aspect, from the fairy tale satire to the complex computer animation, hadn’t been done before. However, it was this innovation and freshness that compelled viewers to watch the film, making it a box office hit and earning it the label of one of the most influential animated films of the early 2000s.
Meanwhile, the iconic characters, especially Donkey (Eddie Murphy) and Puss in Boots (Antonio Banderas), and the unique premise allowed DreamWorks to produce an almost equally successful sequel, Shrek 2. Although the next two installments received mixed reviews, each proved a box office success. By the fourth film, Shrek Forever After, it was evident the ogre’s story was winding down, but there were still so many other stories to tell amid the unique slate of fairy tale characters.
Hence, two spinoff films followed focusing on Puss in Boots. The last Puss in Boots film, Puss in Boots: The Last Wish, premiered in 2022, which aided in bringing the franchise into contemporary pop culture again. It was the first film in the franchise to premiere after the rise of streaming, and it quickly made a stir after landing on both Peacock and Netflix for viewers to stream. With the release of Puss in Boots: The Last Wish in 2022, the confirmation of Shrek 5 for 2026 and meme culture, Shrek’s influence and streaming presence will persist.
Where to watch all Shrek movies online
The easiest way to approach the Shrek movies is in chronological order because it gives viewers more context and the ability to see the characters’ growth from film to film. However, if viewers prefer to go by release date order, they would simply watch the four Shrek films in order, followed by the Puss in Boots spinoff and its sequel.
Check out our guide below which details how and where to watch all the Shrek movies in the recommended chronological order.