Airing from 2007-2012, Gossip Girl was one of the hottest teen dramas of the late 2000s. The show centered around a privileged group of teens in Manhattan’s Upper East Side who attend one of the city’s most affluent schools. Through their privilege, they live sordid, drama-fueled lives… and someone seems to know all about it and is publishing it all on a blog for the world to read. If you loved Gossip Girl (or the Max reboot series) check out these shows and movies that are streaming online right now!
You can’t talk about things similar to Gossip Girl without bringing up the hit 1999 film Cruel Intentions. Inspired by the 1782 French novel Dangerous Liaisons, the movie follows a group of privileged Upper East Side teens constantly struggling for power and attention. From drugs to sex, manipulation, blackmail, and more, the film is a juicy scandal you can’t look away from. If you were hooked on Gossip Girl, you will absolutely love Cruel Intentions.
Pretty Little Liars is another must-watch for Gossip Girl fans. The show centers around a group of young girls who are followed by a mysterious stalker going by the pseudonym “A”. The stalker uses blackmail and threatens to reveal all the girls’ dirty little secrets. The series was full of murder, mystery, and pulpy teen drama. Fans of the show will also love the 2022 reboot series Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin.
If you want something similar to Gossip Girl that’s more on the fun and funny side, you gotta check out Mean Girls. Just as Gossip Girl utilizes the blog for spilling everyone’s secrets, Mean Girls had the Burn Book – a diary kept by The Plastics that exposes everyone’s secrets, but also contains lots of mean lies and snarky rumors. But Cady, the new girl at school, is unaware of how life in American high schools operates and she might just be able to topple the school’s vicious popularity hierarchy. You can enjoy the iconic 2004 original film or the 2024 musical remake starring Renee Rapp.
Where Can I Watch Movies and TV Shows Like Gossip Girl Online?
There are tons of other great movies and TV shows that fans of Gossip Girl will love, from the Yale-set secret society thriller The Skulls to Peacock’s One of Us is Lying, where the school gossip suddenly dies and everyone is a suspect. Check out our guide below to discover where you can watch movies and TV shows like Gossip Girl streaming online right now in the United States!