In 2016, DreamWorks Animation released the first Trolls movie, and a glittering, glamorous, fun-filled franchise was born. This list contains all of the Trolls movies available to watch online right now, including two holiday specials, and where to stream them using popular platforms like Paramount+, Netflix, Max, and many more!
The current Trolls movies (Trolls, Trolls: World Tour, and Trolls: Band Together) are focused on the magical musical adventures of Poppy and Branch. The two main characters are voiced by Academy Award nominee Anna Kendrick and superstar musician Justin Timberlake. But what makes the movies so special and enjoyable are the performances of the wider cast and special musical cameos. From Ozzy Osbourne and George Clinton to Mary J. Blige, and Anderson.Paak, these movies are full to the brim with famous musicians. Expect to hear Kid Cudi, Zoey Deschanel, Kelly Clarkson, RuPaul, and James Corden all voice characters across the franchise.
There have been two Trolls television series to note that deserve a special mention for fans of the franchise. The first came out in 2018, Trolls: The Beat Goes On!, and has eight seasons of non-stop Trolls action with original music. That series features Amanda Leighton, Skylar Astin, David Fynn, and Fryda Wolff among others. A follow-up show featuring the same cast called Trolls: TrollsTopia was released in 2020 on Hulu and Peacock and ran for seven seasons.
Where to watch all Trolls movies online
Our streaming guide below lets you know where to find all the Trolls movies and TV shows in the franchise available to watch online in the United States right now.