Which movies are on sale right now? | Deals on streaming services

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17 titles
Little Women
£7.99£2.99 -62.6%
The Bridge on the River Kwai
£9.99£6.99 -30%
£9.99£5.49 -45%
The Last King of Scotland
£5.99£4.99 -16.7%
The Doors
£7.99£4.99 -37.5%
A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood
£7.99£4.99 -37.5%
The Favourite
£9.99£4.99 -50.1%
£11.99£4.99 -58.4%
The Act of Killing
£4.49£3.49 -22.3%
The Conductor
£7.99£2.49 -68.8%
1 Title
The Odyssey
£3.50£1.00 -71.4%
21 titles
The Swordsman
£3.49£2.49 -28.7%
Rob Roy
£8.99£4.99 -44.5%
Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds
£6.99£6.49 -7.2%
£7.99£3.99 -50.1%
£3.49£1.99 -43%
The Dam Busters
£4.99£3.99 -20%
£7.99£3.99 -50.1%
£7.99£3.99 -50.1%
The Lost King
£7.99£3.99 -50.1%
The King's Highway
£7.99£6.49 -18.8%
18 titles
Little Women
£7.99£2.99 -62.6%
The Bridge on the River Kwai
£9.99£6.99 -30%
£9.99£5.49 -45%
The Last King of Scotland
£5.99£4.99 -16.7%
The Doors
£7.99£4.99 -37.5%
A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood
£7.99£4.99 -37.5%
The Favourite
£9.99£4.99 -50.1%
£11.99£4.99 -58.4%
The Act of Killing
£4.49£3.49 -22.3%
The Conductor
£7.99£2.49 -68.8%