Evil supervillain Gru’s life takes an unexpected turn when three young orphans melt his icy heart. Gru’s touching story has turned into a multi-billion dollar franchise which includes movies, television series, and theme park attractions. This list includes all the Despicable Me and Minion spin-off movies, with details on where to stream all Despicable Me movies online using services like Disney+, Prime Video and more!
Despicable Me is the highest-grossing animated film franchise in history at the time of writing, earning over $4.4 billion USD worldwide at the box office. The franchise includes five Despicable Me movies, two Minion spin-off movies, nineteen short films and two television specials. The franchise’s first movie, Despicable Me, was released in 2010 and earned over $543 million USD globally. Minions earned more than $1.1 billion USD at the box office, while Minions: The Rise of Gru earned $940 million.
How to watch the Despicable Me movies in order
Most agree that the Despicable Me movies are best watched in order of release, but there are some fans who prefer to watch the movies in chronological order of events in the Despicable Me universe.
This is the complete list of Despicable Me movies in order of release:
Despicable Me (2010)
Despicable Me 2 (2013)
Minions (2015)
Despicable Me 3 (2017)
Minions: The Rise Of Gru (2022)
Despicable Me 4 (2024)
If you prefer to watch the movies in chronological order of events, watch Minions and Minions: The Rise Of Gru first. Even though the two Minions spin-off movies were released after Despicable Me, they are actually prequel films that take place before the events of 2010’s Despicable Me. These prequel movies centre on the Minions before they meet Gru, and when he is a young boy.
Where to watch all the Despicable Me movies online
The full list of feature films and short films in the Despicable Me franchise are included below. You can browse through the entire selection of movies, and find all streaming information including where to watch the Despicable Me movies in the UK.