Tamirat Tadilat S14. Sezonu internetten izleyin, kiralayın veya satın alın.
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18 حلقات - 43min
Aylık / 199,90₺
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Şu an "Tamirat Tadilat - Sezon 14" adlı yapımı blutv üzerinden seyredebilirsiniz.
Experienced car dealer Mike Brewer is joined by multi-talented mechanic Ant Anstead in a monumental motoring mission: to find and restore iconic cars to later sell for a profit at their LA-based shop. In season 14, Mike has the challenging job of finding vehicles that have money-making potential. He then hands them over to Ant, who tackles everything from bare metal re-sprays to gearbox swaps to bring them back to their former glory. From the sunny beaches of southern California to the coldest edges of Maine, the guys scour the US from coast-to-coast for the best vehicles to buy, restore, test and sell for a tidy profit. What treasures will they find and flip on their epic adventures?