Dr. G: Medical Examiner - online izleyin: yayın akışını açın, satın alın veya kiralayın
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1 Saison - 48min
Aylık / 3,49$
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Şu an "Dr. G: Medical Examiner" adlı yapımı Sun Nxt üzerinden seyredebilirsiniz.
Dr. G: Medical Examiner is a reality television series shown on TLC and Discovery Fit & Health. Dr. G, or Dr. Jan Garavaglia, is the Chief Medical Examiner with Florida's District Nine Medical Examiner's office in Orlando, Florida. This series features Dr. G working on unexplained deaths in the Orlando area, as well as similar deaths from her last position as a Medical Examiner in Bexar County, Texas. The shows feature dramatic re-enactments of the events leading up to the person's death as well as the autopsies. Also interviews of Dr. G, family members, and other people connected to the deaths are shown. The unexplained death cases that Dr. G works on can come from a variety of factors, such as undiagnosed medical conditions, accidents, or foul play. In one instance, a woman who attempted suicide died a few days after her attempt. Dr. G found that her death was actually due to another condition and was not by her own hand. Another instance dealt with human bones that had been found alongside some railroad tracks. Through an autopsy and investigative work it was discovered that the remains were those of a missing girl who had been killed by her mother. The series is produced by NY-based Atlas Media Corporation. Executive Producer is Bruce David Klein.
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