Tyler Perry's Madea's Destination Wedding nerede izlenebilir: (Türkiye) yayın tarihi
Tyler Perry's Madea's Destination Wedding 2025 yılında Netflix platformunda yayına girecek. Kesin yayın tarihi henüz belli değil.
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Tyler Perry's Madea's Destination Wedding 2025 yılında Netflix platformunda yayına girecek. Kesin yayın tarihi henüz belli değil.
Madea's young great-grandniece, Tiffany, introduces her new boyfriend, Zavier, to her family and drops the shocking news to them: that the couple is getting married in two weeks, and everybody is invited to their destination wedding in the Bahamas. Despite her mother, Debrah, appearing to have everything under control, the vacation is hitting some turbulence. Madea isn't ready to leave the country; Brian doesn't approve of his daughter's hasty wedding or her immature fiancée; Tiffany starts to doubt Zavier; and Debrah's acting out of character. The whole wedding smells suspicious, and all Brian wants to know is whether or not this marriage is really all that it seems.