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Şu an "The Natural History of the Chicken" adlı yapımı DOCSVILLE üzerinden seyredebilirsiniz.
Through interviews and reenactments, The Natural History of the Chicken investigates the role of the chicken in American life and tells several remarkable stories. A Maine farmer says she found a chicken frozen stiff, but was able to resuscitate it. Colorado natives tell a story of the chicken who lost its head-- and went on living. A Virginia farmer tells about (and demonstrates) the benefits of raising chickens for his own consumption. Perhaps most surprising is the case of the Florida woman: she bathes her pet bird, and takes it both swimming and shopping. Through these and other stories, this documentary illuminates the role that chickens play in (some of) our lives.
JustWatch'ın günlük streaming sıralamaları son 24 saat içindeki kullanıcı aktivitelerine göre hesaplanır. Bu aktivitelere bir yayın seçeneğine tıklamak, bir yapımı izleme listesine eklemek ya da 'izlendi' olarak işaretlemek dahildir. Buna yaklaşlık 1,3 milyon dizi ve film hayranından gelen veriler de dahildir.
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