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Qualcosa è andato storto? Faccelo sapere!
Ci impegnamo ad aggiungere sempre nuovi providers, ma non siamo riusciti a trovare un'offerta online per "Una strada verso il domani - Ku'damm 56 - Stagione 1" . Per favore, ritorna presto e controlla se ci sono delle novità.
The action unfolds mainly at the Berlin dance school "Galant," where worlds collide and the struggle between prudishness and emancipation is carried out. The proprietor of the dance school, Caterina Schöllack, has three daughters whom she orders to integrate into this hierarchically structured society. Two of her daughters seem to abide by their mother's wish: Helga appears to have made a brilliant move with her marriage to the jurist Wolfgang von Boost. Nurse Eva does everything she can to get married to the Head Professor Fassbender. Only Monika, the middle daughter, rejects the given path and discovers rock 'n' roll for herself. Monika's story and that of her two sisters are exemplary for many female lives in a time when a woman's life was determined by her place next to her husband. At the same time, however, the women of this generation were searching for a new female identity, and were inspired by the burgeoning demand for equal rights.