The tale of the Grinch, a misanthropic creature determined to ruin Christmas, has captivated audiences for decades. Beginning with Dr. Seuss's original storybook How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (1957), the character has undergone various cinematic transformations, from heartwarming to hilariously dark. Each adaptation offers its own twist on the beloved holiday classic, reflecting the evolving tastes of its audiences.
We offer you a glimpse at every Grinch movie made ever, and where you can find them for streaming online.
Which Grinch movies should I watch first?
The tale of the Grinch has been adapted in three films and a TV special. But none of these are connected and they can all be seen as standalone entries.
- How The Grinch Stole Christmas (1966 TV special)
- Dr. Seuss How The Grinch Stole Christmas (2000 live-action movie)
- The Grinch (2018 animated movie)
- The Mean One (unauthorized 2022 horror parody)
The Grinch’s cinematic journey began with the 1966 animated television special How the Grinch Stole Christmas!, directed by Chuck Jones. Narrated by Boris Karloff, who also voiced the Grinch, this adaptation stayed close to the original text, capturing the whimsical illustrations and rhymes of Dr. Seuss. With its simple yet heartfelt animation and the unforgettable song “You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch,” the TV special became an instant holiday classic, laying the foundation for future adaptations.
In 2000, Ron Howard brought the Grinch to life in Dr. Seuss How The Grinch Stole Christmas, a live-action adaptation starring Jim Carrey. This film expanded the story, exploring the Grinch’s backstory and his relationship with the residents of Whoville. Carrey’s eccentric performance and the elaborate makeup created a more layered and comedic Grinch. While some purists found it strayed too far from the simplicity of the original, the film remains a holiday favorite for its over-the-top humor, imaginative production design, and heartfelt message.
The Grinch returned in animated form in 2018 with Illumination’s Dr. Seuss' The Grinch. Voiced by Benedict Cumberbatch, this adaptation presented a softer, more relatable Grinch, modernizing the tale for a new generation. While it retained the core themes of redemption and the spirit of Christmas, this version emphasized a family-friendly, feel-good vibe. The vibrant animation and Cumberbatch’s witty portrayal made it another popular holiday film.
In 2022, the Grinch took an unexpected turn with The Mean One, an unauthorized horror parody directed by Steven LaMorte. Featuring David Howard Thornton (known for his role as Art the Clown in the Terrifier franchise) as the titular character, this reimagining twisted the holiday cheer into terror. Set in a small town, the movie follows a young woman battling the Grinch-like monster on a murderous rampage. While far from the traditional adaptations, The Mean One showcased the versatility of the Grinch's story, appealing to fans of dark humor and horror.
From heartwarming to horrifying, the Grinch has undergone dramatic changes in tone and style across decades. Whether through the nostalgic charm of the 1966 special, Jim Carrey’s madcap antics, Illumination’s vibrant animation, or the twisted terror of The Mean One, the Grinch’s story continues to evolve, proving its enduring appeal as a holiday tale for all.
How to watch The Grinch movies in release order?
The list below shows you all the Grinch movies and specials placed in order of their release date. We also provide you with offers to stream, buy or rent these movies online. Hope you have a Grinch-y Christmas!