The Phantasm franchise, a cult classic in the horror genre, is a surreal blend of nightmares, science fiction, and macabre humor. Don Coscarelli's series weaves a tale of the enigmatic Tall Man and his grotesque machinations, keeping fans intrigued for decades. Watching the series in order ensures a coherent journey through its bizarre mythology, from its eerie beginnings to its epic conclusion.
Here’s how you can find all of the Phantasm movies streaming online.
How to watch the Phantasm movies in chronological order
The chronological order of watching the Phantasm movies is pretty straightforward with most of the movies numbered in the same order.
- Phantasm (1979)
- Phantasm II (1988)
- Phantasm III: Lord of the Dead (1994)
- Phantasm IV: Oblivion (1998)
- Phantasm: Ravager (2016)
Phantasm (1979): The journey begins with the original Phantasm, a low-budget yet groundbreaking horror film. It follows Mike, a young boy investigating mysterious events at a local mortuary. He, along with his brother Jody and their friend Reggie, uncovers the sinister Tall Man and his interdimensional schemes. The film introduces the iconic silver spheres and surreal storytelling style that defines the series.
Phantasm II (1988): Nine years after the first film, Phantasm II ramps up the action and horror. Mike and Reggie continue their quest to stop the Tall Man, traveling through ghost towns ravaged by his dark work. With a higher budget, the sequel offers more elaborate visuals and intense encounters while expanding the series' lore.
Phantasm III: Lord of the Dead (1994): This installment deepens the mythology, focusing on the Tall Man’s sinister plans and introducing new allies and foes. Phantasm III balances horror and dark comedy, retaining its trademark surrealism while delving into the psychological impact on Mike and Reggie.
Phantasm IV: Oblivion (1998): A more introspective chapter, Phantasm IV explores the origins of the Tall Man and his otherworldly powers. It delves into Mike’s disturbing connection to the villain while using unused footage from the original film for added depth. This entry leans heavily into the series' dreamlike narrative style.
Phantasm: Ravager (2016): The final installment, Phantasm: Ravager, concludes the story with Reggie taking center stage in a desperate fight against the Tall Man. Directed by David Hartman, it weaves a haunting yet ambiguous finale, leaving fans to interpret its cryptic ending.
How to watch the Phantasm franchise in release order
The list below offers you all the details you need to know to watch, buy, or rent the Phantasm movies in order of their release date. We also offer you the deals to stream, buy, or rent these movies online in India. We also provide you with any offers to watch Phantasm movies for free (if available).