The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) has redefined superhero cinema, offering numerous blockbusters since the release of Iron Man in 2008. From character-focused origin stories like Shang-Chi and Thor to ambitious team-up movies like The Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy, the MCU includes several movies and TV shows and only seems to grow further with a full slate of future releases. In this guide, you can find how to watch every Marvel movie in release and chronological order. You can also find out where to legally watch them legally online on streaming services available in India today.
How to watch the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies in chronological order
Deadpool & Wolverine (exact timeframe TBC)
Captain America: Brave New World (exact timeframe TBC)
Thunderbolts* (exact timeframe TBC)
The Fantastic Four (exact timeframe TBC)
Blade (exact timeframe TBC)
Avengers 5 (exact timeframe TBC)
Avengers: Secret Wars (exact timeframe TBC)
To watch the MCU movies in chronological order, one can start with Captain America: The First Avenger that takes place during the Second World War in the 1940s. The next movie to watch is Captain Marvel, set during the 1990s. The MCU then enters the 21st century with Iron Man, followed by numerous movies that take place in the same shared universe.
How to watch Marvel movies in release order
The release order of the MCU movies can be divided into two sagas, each of which is divided further into three phases. The first is the Infinity Saga, which includes a connecting theme of supervillain Thanos collecting the cosmic power of the “Infinity Stones”. The Infinity Saga is divided into Phase One (2008-2012), Phase Two (2013-2015) and Phase Three (2016-2019).
The second saga in the MCU is the Multiverse Saga, which follows the adventures of the Marvel superheroes after the events of the Infinity Saga. This saga can be broken down into Phase Four (2021-2022), Phase Five (2023-2024) and the upcoming Phase Six (2025-2027).
Where can I watch the Marvel movies online?
Below you can find the latest streaming information for the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies in release order. This also includes all the offers that Indian streaming platform users can avail while watching these movies online. Enjoy streaming the adventures of the Earth's mightiest heroes!