Saison 5

What We Do in the Shadows - Saison 5


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Nandor feels his familiar (and sometimes friend) Guillermo slipping away as he seems to be spending much more time with Laszlo, whose skills as a gentleman scientist are put to the test as he tries to solve the mystery of the strange and very secret changes Guillermo is going through. Nadja, suffering the effects of a previously-undiagnosed supernatural hex, reconnects with her family - or at least, a family - from the Old Country, Colin pursues the path of so many energy vampires before him by running for political office and The Guide tries to figure out where she fits in as the relative newcomer to this tightly-knit group who've known each other for centuries.

10 épisodes

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IMDB 8.6 (103k)


Comédie, Fantastique, Horreur



Pays de production

Etats Unis


Kayvan Novak
Nandor the Relentless
Matt Berry
Laszlo Cravensworth
Natasia Demetriou
Harvey Guillén
Guillermo de la Cruz
Mark Proksch
Colin Robinson / Baby Colin
Kristen Schaal
Floating Woman / The Guide

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