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Wir versuchen fortwährend neue Anbieter hinzuzufügen, aber leider haben wir keine Angebote gefunden. Komm doch bald wieder um zu sehen, ob "The Facts of Life - Staffel 3" jetzt online verfügbar ist.
School is back in session as Mrs. Garrett and the girls of Eastland return for the third season of THE FACTS OF LIFE, one of the biggest TV hits of the 80s! Charlotte Rae stars as school nutritionist Edna Garrett, who serves up her no-nonsense advice - and big laughs! - to Blair (Lisa Whelchel), Tootie (Kim Fields), Natalie (Mindy Cohn), and Jo (Nancy McKeon). The four girls are maturing into responsible young women, and yet there is still so much more to learn.