Where to watch The Rule of Jenny Pen: Release date (South Africa)

The release date for The Rule of Jenny Pen on streaming services has not been announced yet. We’ll keep you updated with the release date and streaming information as soon as it is available.


Geoffrey Rush
Stefan Mortensen
John Lithgow
Dave Crealy
George Henare
Tony Garfield
Nathaniel Lees
Sonny Ausage
Thomas Sainsbury
Carer Mike
Maaka Pohatu
Dr. Neels
Irene Wood
Olive Shaw
Ian Mune
Howie Wicker
Bruce Phillips
Peter Llewyn
Holly Shanahan
Madeline Shepard
Paolo Rotondo
Yvette Parsons
Carer Tania
Rashmi Pilapitiya
Nurse Anita
Ginette McDonald
Sally Pile
Semu Filipo
Hannah Lynch
Carer Joy
Anapela Polataivao
Carer Jasmine
Hilary Norris
Eunice Joyce
Richard Chapman
Nick Blake
Tobias Popanovich
Jane Waddell
Comfrey Hails
Lutz Halbhubner
Sean Dunn
Fiona Collins
Carer Grace
Sam Carter