flexible starting date
JustWatch is the world’s leading movie and TV show streaming guide with over 10 million users. We make your streaming experience easy. See what’s new and popular on your favorite services or search for your favorite flick and see where it’s available. We currently list hundreds of legal streaming services in over 30 countries. The JustWatch apps are currently available on iOS and Android and we are working on adding more platforms (TV apps) and a lot more user-facing features this year
Founded in October 2014 in Berlin by an experienced and successful team with world-class knowledge in technology, product and marketing we are constantly looking for passionate people to join our mission.
Curiosity, drive and passion are shared characteristics of all people at JustWatch and we are looking for these values in every person we are hiring. We only want people who are willing to constantly learn through challenging themselves and others. All of us also love to get things done and strongly believe in “done is better than perfect”. Dedication to software craftsmanship and a drive for elegant and simple solutions come in a close second.
At least 3 years of deep familiarity with the Go language
4+ years of work experience in a backend engineering role
Skills around the Linux command line including basic networking and web technologies
Advanced Experience with relational databases, preferably Postgres
Bonus: Familiarity with ElasticSearch
Fluent in English, ability to work onsite in Berlin
Work closely with frontend and product on the platform for over 10 million users: Plan data models and architecture and execute new features from beginning to end
You will interface closely with our infrastructure team in building highly available and reliable services
Work on the internals of the content backend, including our custom scraper, the content API and integrations with third party APIs
Work closely with machine learning and data engineers to integrate our recommendation and discovery engine
You will care about tooling, metrics and other solutions to hold up our content quality to the highest standards
You will write, extend and debug microservices for both existing and planned features
You will become part of a passionate, professional and friendly team while getting first-hand experience in building a world-leading tech company
Fun, fast-paced technology. Deploying via ChatOps via Slack. Docker on Kubernetes, Prometheus for instrumenting, ScyllaDB, infrastructure running on Google Cloud Platform. Fast decisions and turnarounds.
A challenging environment with an open feedback culture and a strong focus on personal development, freedom and responsibility
You will have access to an experienced founder team with an international track record in building successful tech companies
Sounds like you? Great, we’d like to meet you. Just send us a short mail that gives us an idea of what motivates you, why you want to work at JustWatch and how you think you will help us to achieve our goals. We are not interested in a perfect CV, or letters of recommendation. We just want to know who you are and who you want to become!
Apply to talent@justwatch.com