Här ser du Io Sono La Fine Del Mondo: Lanseringsdatum (Sverige)
Lanseringsdatumet för Io Sono La Fine Del Mondo har inte meddelats än. Vi håller dig uppdaterad med lanseringsdatum och streaminginformation så fort de finns tillgängliga.
Io Sono La Fine Del Mondo är inte tillgänglig för streaming.
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Lanseringsdatumet för Io Sono La Fine Del Mondo har inte meddelats än. Vi håller dig uppdaterad med lanseringsdatum och streaminginformation så fort de finns tillgängliga.
An NCC driver, specialized in bringing home drunk teenagers outside the clubs of Rome, is contacted by his sister from Palermo, whom he had not heard from for years. The woman tells him that he needs a vacation: he has been taking care of his parents for too long without taking a break. Her brother decides to take her place, but not driven by empathy, but rather by a desire for subtle revenge against his mother and father, rigid and authoritarian figures who ruined his adolescence.