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83min - Английский
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Вы можете взять "Take None Give None" напрокат на Eventive онлайн.
The documentary Take None Give None, a portrait of the Chosen Few M.C. evolved from a long term relationship between photographer Gusmano Cesaretti and the Chose Few Motorcycle Club. In 2010, he teamed up with photographer Kurt Mangum, and a group of talented professional cinematographers to capture in light, motion an sound what it feels like to ride with the oldest integrated motorcycle club in the United States. During the four years of filming, the club experienced many changes - from the mounting tensions and differences between the founding members and the younger generation, to the raiding and seizure of their historic South Central clubhouse by the LAPD. There have been many poorly researched and superficial news stories about the club in recent years, but this film hopes to offer a ground level, unfiltered and unbiased look at what it means to be a Chosen Few.