Unde să vezi Ten Toes Down: Data de lansare (România)
Data de lansare pentru Ten Toes Down nu a fost încă anunțată. Te vom ține la curent cu data de lansare și cu informații despre streaming imediat ce vor fi disponibile.
Ten Toes Down nu este disponibil pentru streaming.
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Data de lansare pentru Ten Toes Down nu a fost încă anunțată. Te vom ține la curent cu data de lansare și cu informații despre streaming imediat ce vor fi disponibile.
Kyra Brooks is a woman who possesses what the average woman wants: a loving husband, a good job, and a comfortable life but an impulsive decision threatens to unravel her foundation. When Kyra decides to engage in an extramarital affair, she embarks on a dangerous path that could lead to the destruction of her marriage, her career, and even her freedom. As the consequences of her actions begin to catch up with her, Kyra faces a harsh reality: she is not in control of the situation and those around her are manipulating her. With her life spiraling out of control and her future uncertain, Kyra must confront her mistakes and fight to reclaim her sense of self before it's too late. "Ten Toes Down" is a gripping tale of love, loyalty, and loss.