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Staramy się na bieżąco dodawać nowe serwisy, jednak na chwilę obecną nie udało nam się znaleźć "Kaeloo - Sezon 1" w ofercie online. Zajrzyj do nas wkrótce, aby sprawdzić, co nowego.
Kaeloo the cute and gentle frog, Stumpy the stirred-up squirrel, Quack - quack the introverted duck and the big show-off Mister Cat: four very different, loopy pals who often get bored in SmileyLand. Like all kids, they invent crazy and fun games to pass the time. But due to Mister Cat - who hates losing and never stops cheating - things always end up degenerating... Because like the Incredible Hulk, when things turn bad, good-girl Kaeloo transforms into Bad Kaeloo: powerful and invincible, only she can bring an end to Mister Cat's aberrations!