Wonderland - آن لائن دیکھیں : اسٹریمنگ ،خریدیں یا کرائے پر لیں
فی الحال آپ Netflix پر Wonderland اسٹریمنگ دیکھنے کے قابل ہیں۔.
450 Rs فی مہینہ
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کچھ خرابی ہے ؟ ہمیں دیکھنے دیں
فی الحال آپ Netflix پر Wonderland اسٹریمنگ دیکھنے کے قابل ہیں۔.
In a future world, the 'Wonderland' service – which uses AI to replicate people who have died – has become widespread. Baili signs up for Wonderland in order to hide her impending death from her young daughter. After an accident leaves her boyfriend Tae-ju in a coma, Jung-in passes the days chatting with an AI-revived version of Tae-ju who has become an astronaut in space. In this way it is possible for people to choose a life free from longing and sadness.